Lust, Commerce, and Corruption: An Account of What I Have Seen and Heard, by an Edo Samurai (Translations from the Asian Classics)

Shogunal Politics: Arai Hakuseki and the Premises of Tokugawa Rule

Nakai, Kate Wildman



Nonfiction Government >> 
Nakai, Kate Wildman 

口コミや価格などShogunal Politics: Arai Hakuseki and the Premises of Tokugawa Ruleの商品比較🔻

詳細を見る ✔

Kami Ways in Nationalist Territory: Shinto Studies in Prewar Japan and the West

Women of the Mito Domain: Recollections of Samurai Family Life

Christian Sorcerers on Trial: Records of the 1827 Osaka Incident

Nakai, Kate Wildman



a8f65892-81a4-4399-8dff-f293a701bfe0_6601 >> 
Columbia University Press Nakai, Kate Wildman Teeuwen, Mark Miyazaki, Fumiko 

口コミや価格などChristian Sorcerers on Trial: Records of the 1827 Osaka Incidentの商品比較🔻

詳細を見る ✔

Public Spheres, Private Lives in Modern Japan, 1600-1950: Essays in Honor of Albert Craig

新井白石の政治戦略: 儒学と史論