Psychic Protection: The Spiritual Self-Defense Guide to Angelic Protection, Karma, Soul Cleansing, Aura Healing, and Defending Against Negative Energy (Extrasensory Perception)

Yemaya: The Ultimate Guide to the Mother of All Orishas in Yoruba and Santería (African Spirituality)

Archangel Uriel: Connecting with the Angel of Wisdom (Connecting with Spirit Guides)

Spiritual Cleansing: The Ultimate Guide to Psychic Protection, Reiki, Ways to Cleanse Your Chakras, Auras, and Raising Your Vibration (Extrasensory Perception)

Practical Astrology and Planetary Magick: An Essential Guide to Astrological Transits, Reading Natal Charts, Magickal Spells, and More (Spiritual Astrology)

Guardian Angels: Discovering How to Connect with Spirit Guides, Angels, Departed Loved Ones, Archangels, Spirit Animals, Ancestors, and Other Helpers (Connecting with Spirit Guides)

Shadow Work and Healing the Inner Child: The Ultimate Guide to Integrating Your Dark Side and Restoring the Wounded Soul Within (Personal spirituality)

Ogun: The Ultimate Guide to an Orisha and Loa of Yoruba, Santería, and Haitian Voodoo (African Spirituality)

Telepathy: Unlocking the Secrets of Sending Telepathic Messages and Psychic Development (Extrasensory Perception)

Sabbats: An Essential Guide to Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Midsummer, Lammas, Mabon, and Samhain (Spirituality around the world)